Note: If referenced Script already exists, this method updates it.
Annotation system in scriptText
Personalisation parameters/audience
- Personalisation parameters can be used to dynamically replace content components within a script.
- E.g.
"Today is {{weekday|a good day}}!"
- A section is processed individually in later stages of Speech, and treated as a unit in Mastering process.
- E.g.
Sound Segments
- Nests the content in a segment of a sound template. See available sound templates at
- E.g.
Sound Effects
- Inserts sound effect belonging to the sound template
- E.g.
"<<soundEffect::effect2>>Hurry up, the time is ticking!"
Coming up! Sound effects will soon be available globally, independent of the sound template applied.
Media Files
- Insert a placeholder for a media file that is specified on Mastering stage. Media files are uploaded through /file/customaudio/uploadurl.
- E.g.
"Bruce Lee once said: <<media::bruce_lee_talking>>"
- Synthetic Speech Markup Language standard. Accepted tags vary across providers, so make sure to consult their documentation.
- E.g.
<break time = '2s'/>
Coming up! We're working on a SSML standard that mitigates all the discrepancies between the providers.